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For latest updates, see News. 2025 – The Children’s Wellbeing and Schools Bill is going through parliament. ENGLAND ONLY. My bill page is here https://edyourself.org/childrens-wellbeing-schools-bill/
The EdYourself website has information about elective home education as well as other items of interest for home educating parents, including post-16 requirements and state benefits.
I have pages on special educational needs and disability [SEND] with a particular focus on EHCPs where children are not in school.
I am interested in education otherwise than at school [EOTAS] and alternative provision where children or young people are unable to attend school.
I keep an eye on the law relating to unregistered schools since not all schools have to be registered.
For more information about Fiona Nicholson, see About. To get in contact with a specific query not covered in the website already, use the Contact form.