Monthly Archives: July 2023

7 posts

10 Minute Rule Bill

May 2023. MP Flick Drummond has introduced a Private Members Bill to register children not in school under the 10 Minute Rule. I have blogged about it here. NB at the end of July this bill ceased to exist when the government announced the end of the current parliamentary session. My blog explains more.


February 2023 – When a child with an EHCP is home educated, parents cannot legally be required to make the provision in Section F or set targets for Section E. My new web page with full legal references is here.

EHE Guidance

January 2023 – Now that the Schools Bill is dead, it seemed a good time to update my page on the current Elective Home Education Guidance, covering School Attendance Orders; Children Missing Education; De-schooling; Suitable Education; Literacy and Numeracy; Progress; Annual Contact; Monitoring; Home Visits; and Safeguarding Powers. Read more here.

EOTAS/Alternative Provision

Education Otherwise Than At School – or EOTAS – also known as alternative provision – is where the local authority is responsible for the provision of education when a child age 5 – 16 does not attend school. I have made a new web page which you can read here.

News Archive

News up to 2023

Schools Bill December 2022

The Schools Bill has been dropped. Secretary of State Gillian Keegan confirmed this to the Education Committee on Wednesday December 7th 2022. Read more here

Schools Bill Stuck in House of Lords

The Schools Bill finished Report Stage in the House of Lords in July 2022. Third Reading (the final stage before it goes to the House of Commons) was set for September 14th but by September 8th this date had disappeared from the schedule. (The first 18 clauses of the Bill dealing with multi-academy trusts had already been removed to be looked at separately.)

Registration Proposals in new Schools Bill 2022

Proposals for a register of children not in school have been included in which is beginning in the House of Lords. The Schools Bill was discussed for the first time in parliament on May 23rd 2022. Read my web page on the register here

Register of Children Not in School 2022

On February 3rd 2022 the Department for Education published its response to the consultation from April 2019, affirming that it still intended to go ahead with a register of children not in school.

Portsmouth Judicial Review

On November 16th 2021 the outcome of Christina Goodred v Portsmouth City Council and the Secretary of State for Education was published. Read more here

Exam Arrangements 2022

Information was published in November 2021 about exams going ahead in Summer 2022 + contingency arrangements for Teacher Assessed Grades for private candidates if exams have to be cancelled due to covid. My exams page is here

Education Committee Report, Government Response

In November 2021 the government provided its response to the Education Committee report on home education, confirming that it intended to outline next steps for registration of children not in school some time soon.

New Case Law EOTAS Special Needs, October 2021

I won this case at the Upper Tribunal. It deals with LAs not naming a school in the EHCP where the provision will be EOTAS [Education Otherwise Than At School] My introductory page on home education and special needs is here and my SEND tribunals page is here

Exam Arrangements 2021

On February 25th 2021 the Department for Education confirmed arrangements for exam grades in Summer 2021 stating that a list of available centres would be published shortly.

Wales Abandons Proposed Changes 2020

On June 22nd 2020 the Welsh Government published a statement saying that “it will not now be possible to complete the planned work on the home education statutory guidance and database regulations within this Government term.” Read more here

Regulating Education Institutions Consultation

On February 14th 2020 the Department for Education launched a consultation on changes to the regulation of full time independent education institutions. My page on unregistered schools is here.

Second Successful Prosecution Illegal School 2019

In September 2019 the proprietors of Ambassadors High School in Streatham were convicted of running an illegal school. My page on unregistered schools is here

Timpson Review School Exclusions May 2019

In May 2019 the Department for Education published Edward Timpson’s Review into School Exclusions, together with the formal government response to the review, and a new call for evidence leading to possible changes in law and guidance. Read more here

Consultation Registration Proposals April 2019

On April 2nd 2019 the Department for Education launched a new consultation on proposals to establish a local authority registration system for children who do not attend state-funded or registered independent schools.

Government Response 2018 Consultation/Call for Evidence

On April 2nd 2019 the Department for Education published its response to the 2018 home education consultation/call for evidence, including “next steps”.

New Home Education Guidance April 2019

On April 2nd 2019 the Department for Education published new non-statutory guidance for local authorities. Read more here

Consultation Safeguarding Code Practice Out of School Settings 2018

December 2018 consultation on draft voluntary safeguarding code of practice for out of school settings.

First Successful Prosecution Illegal School 2018

In October 2018 the proprietors of the Al-Istiqamah Learning Centre in Ealing were convicted of running an illegal school. My page on unregistered schools is here

School Exclusions Review Call for Evidence 2018

The Department for Education has asked former Children’s Minister Ed Timpson to look at school exclusions.

Government Response Out of School Settings Call For Evidence

April 2018: The Department for Education has published its response to the 2015 call for evidence on out of school settings (possible light touch registration for settings providing 6+ hours education per week) No changes are to be introduced.

New Ofsted Inspection System Children’s Services

Ofsted new framework for the Inspection of Local Authority Children’s Services [ILACS] will begin in 2018. Each year, Ofsted will ask local authorities to share a self-evaluation of social work practice and meet with Ofsted regional representatives to discuss data, plus there will be standard and short inspections.

Publication New Home Education Guidance Wales 2017

New home education guidance for Wales was published in January 2017. My page on Wales is here.

Intervention in Inadequate LAs

New blog post on what is happening in LAs rated inadequate by Ofsted, how close they are to being taken over etc. Read more here.

Revised Statutory CME Guidance September 2016

Revised guidance has been published on Children Missing Education to take account of changes to the Pupil Registration Regulations. My page on CME is here.

Supreme Court Named Person (Scotland)

Following the Supreme Court ruling at the end of July 2016, the Scottish Government was unable to implement the Named Person measures.

Increased Tracking Children Coming Out Of School 2016

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 will be amended from September 1st 2016

Child Practice Review Dylan Seabridge 2016

On July 8th Pembrokeshire Council published a Concise Child Practice Review into the death of Dylan Seabridge. More. My page on home education in Wales is here

How Organising Events Can Affect State Benefits

How organising events, trips, groups etc can affect your state benefits (including Housing Benefit) Read my blog post here

Home Education APPG March 2016

March 2016 All Party Parliamentary Group for Home Education meeting about special educational needs with Stuart Miller, Deputy Director SEN at DfE.


Roundtable discussion home education and safeguarding with the NSPCC

Out of School Settings

January 2016 debate in parliament. More

Report of AEHEP Launch February 2015

The Association of Elective Home Education Professionals – a national body for local authority personnel – held a launch at the House of Commons in February 2015.

Updated CME Guidance England 2015

The fourth revised version of Children Missing Education Guidance (England) was published in January 2015.

Launch Association EHE Professionals

The new Association of Elective Home Education Professionals (England) is holding a launch on 26th February 2015.

New SEN Code Practice 2014

SEN Code of Practice approved by parliament July 2014. My page on home education provisions in the Code is here

Children and Families Act 2014

The Children and Families Act is now law, with a new system for SEN and disability. My introductory page on EHCPs is here.

Council Support for Exams

Exams Report: how do local councils help home educating families with exams.

Government Guidance 14-16s College

DfE guidance on college funding for home educated 14-16s – my web page is here

New Statutory Guidance Post-16 Participation

“For young people who are being home educated, no hourly requirement of education applies: the amount and content of that education is at the discretion of the home educator…No on-going monitoring of the education is required.” My web page is here

Education Committee Report Support For Home Education 2012

Education Committee publishes report into Support for Home Education, December 2012.

APPG Meeting SEN + Disability 2012

All Party Parliamentary Group Meeting November 2012 to discuss changes to funding and assessment for Special Educational Needs and Disability.

All Party Parliamentary Group 2011 Exams

May 2011: Government Drops Plan Delay Deregistration

Minister Nick Gibb announces in the House of Commons that the Government will not now be introducing a 20 day delay in removing child’s name from the school roll.