Yearly Archives: 2024

20 posts

New Pupil Registration Regulations Aug 2024

The School Attendance (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2024 laid yesterday in parliament will come into force on August 19th 2024 and will replace the 2006 Regulations. Deregistration from mainstream school for home education is currently covered by Regulation 8 (1)(d) 2006 but after August 19th it will be Regulation 9 (1)(f) of the 2024 Regulations.The exact wording for deleting pupil names from the school roll is also slightly different; my page on deregistration has more details (For updated links on deregistration from special school click here )

More Information on New Welsh Database Plans

I have just written two new pages to explain the proposed Welsh database of “children potentially missing education.” The first page explains how the Welsh government hopes to adapt the database provisions in the Children Act 2004 because this is easier than passing a new law The second page sets out exactly what is proposed

4,000+ Responses to Guidance Consultation

Minister Damian Hinds said yesterday in Parliament that the recent guidance consultation which closed on January 18th had received more than 4,000 responses. The shortened Hansard link is here By comparison, the 2019 children not in school consultation number was “nearly 5,000”; the 2018 guidance consultation was 3441; the 2009 Badman review consultation was 5211; and the 2007 Guidelines consultation was 919.

What Now?

Towards the end of 2023 the government put forward some possible changes to the guidance on home education. A public consultation ended on 18.1.24. The government will now consider the responses to the consultation and will publish an official statement about next steps in due course. More information about consultation principles can be found here

Meanwhile the current guidance remains in force until such time as a final new version is published. The current guidance can be found here My web page on the guidance is here

Answer Day Write Up

I have posted a write up of the Facebook discussion from a couple of days ago here I have added a few extras and also pulled out some General Points. There is no rule says the government has to go with the majority in a consultation but there might be a tipping point where the proposed changes no longer seem such a good idea particularly if operational difficulties become apparent or if it looks likely to be counter-productive. This is where words matter in those answer boxes! REMINDER CONSULTATION CLOSES THURSDAY JANUARY 18TH

Introduction to Guidance Changes

The law on home education is unchanged. In place of new law, the government is testing the waters as to how far existing law can be stretched. My new blog post summarises the proposed changes and considers the possible impact on relationships between home educating families and the local authority. It also has tips on how to give feedback via the consultation which is open till January 18th. See also

Consultation – Taking The First Step

For everyone who has told me “I know it’s important but I haven’t been able to face looking at it yet I have written this blog post It sets out a few simple steps for trying the “save and come back later” option on the consultation form (with screenshots!) so you can feel you have made a start.

Meanwhile all my other consultation pages are linked from here and the consultation CLOSES ON JANUARY 18TH