2024 Update
In early 2024, proposals were published for a Children Missing Education Database in Wales. Read more here https://edyourself.org/wales-cme-database-consultation/ The consultation material suggests that a database might particularly affect children with Additional Learning Needs.
2023 Update
Children who were due to move to the ALN system between September 2023 and August 2024, will now move between September 2023 and August 2025.
Additional Learning Needs or ALN replaces the term special educational needs and learning difficulties or disabilities. The definition of ALN is slightly broader than that of SEN. The ALN system covers young people up to age 25. The primary legislation is here https://www.legislation.gov.uk/anaw/2018/2/contents Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales) Act 2018. Statutory guidance (the ALN Code) can be found here https://www.gov.wales/additional-learning-needs-code
Individual Development Plans or IDPs – which are statutory – will replace existing statutory and non-statutory plans including statements. Responsibility is devolved to schools but where the child is educated otherwise than at school including home education this role will be taken by the local authority. It is intended that disagreements will be resolved locally but there is an ultimate right to the Educational Tribunal for Wales.
Parents can also ask for their children to move from the previous SEN system to the new system. LINK
Parents of home educated children can request an ALN assessment. There is a model letter [Annex B] on the Welsh Government page for the Parents Home Education Handbook. Read my views on the parents handbook here.
My page on home education in Wales is here and my page on the new 2023 guidance is here.